Monday 30 October 2017

Task 2 - Distribution and Cross Media Platforms

Phenomenal women

Media AS / A2
Textual Analysis Table- Moving Image

Denotation / what can be seen
Connotation / what is the meaning?
Camera- angle, size and movement
There are so many jump shots to portray the different activities

There are matched shots of happy smiles, on the women giving birth etc.

Depth on field is used for the camera to purposely portray the women in depth.

Birds eye view is used at the end of the advert. On the floor it says "This Girl Can"

It shoes the different activities/sports women can do compared to men. They also show that women are more superior than men 
Editing including any SFX


 Slow motion is used quite a few times

This also shoes that women are superior than men in some circumstances
Sound- diegetic, non-diegetic, narration etc.
 Inspirational Music

 Poem said by a woman

 Change in volume when the advert becomes more intense

 That women are phenomenal and they can do anything if they put the work behind it. To influence women who keep on thinking that they can' do certain activities (doubts)
Mise-en-scene: location, costume, props, lighting
 Every women is wearing the appropriate gear for the sport that they are doing. The props and location depends on the sport that they are doing

This demonstrates that women can do anything that they want to do if they put their mind towards the activity or the sport.

Audience Segmentation

Audience Segmentation

Demographics =statistical data relating to the population and particular groups within it. For example age, gender, ethnicity, household income

Psychographics = the study and classification of people according to their attitudes, aspirations, and other psychological criteria, especially in market research.
Image result for Psychographics resigned

Image result for bill gates Succeeded - it is a person who has a successful organisation. In fact, Bill Gates is the wealthiest person in the world because of him discovering Microsoft. Everybody uses Microsoft everyday so he earns a lot of money from everyday users.

Image result for david attenboroughExplorer - David Attenborough is one of the most known explorer in the United Kingdom. He is adventurous and he accepts a challenge when he sees one. He is a courageous person who never cowers away from discovering something new.

Image result for simon cowellResigned - Simon Cowell is strict but for the right reasons. He needs to be strict while judging X-Factor to find the right person to sign a record deal with him and for that person to beat the competition. As well as him being the less favourite judge, he is also the person who has the power to make dreams happen for the people auditioning at X-Factor.

Image result for terry crewsAspirer - He is the face of Old Spice to grab the attention of the audience. Terry Crews persuades the audience to buy Old Spice because of his humor and his body but not mainly for the product. Since he has a figure of a celebrity, he is well know and he manipulates the user that by using the produce, they will instantly get a body like Terry Cruise.

Image result for theresa mayReformer - Theresa May is the current Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. It is her choice to have an independant judgement because she has the power to do so. She is highly educated to take the job.

Friday 20 October 2017

Be Food Smart- Change4Life and This is Abuse Advert Analysis

Be Food Smart - Change4Life Advert Analysis

The government can change the eating habits and lifestyle of others because they can advertise on being healthy for example consuming less sugars or eating more fruits and vegetables (1 of your 5 a day). The techniques they have used are persuasive for example they have clearly demonstrated that how much sugar people consume everyday and how it can give us type 2 diabetes and cancer which traumatises the audience. On Change4Life's website, it addresses parents for their children to eat healthily. It is very direct and authoritative to parents which encourages them to make the right choice for their child/ren which makes them live longer.

This is Abuse -

The audience is teenagers, but to be more specific the audience is teens who are going through similar tales of abuse. The purpose of the advertisement is to try and help teens who are in the same position realise that they are either going through or have gone through abuse and how to get out of that situation. The techniques used are; Direct Address is used to try and make the viewer question themselves and re-evaluate the situation there in. Another technique used is camera angles, when they are focused on the abuser they are low which causes him to appear bigger and stronger. However whenever the female is focused on, the camera is higher, causing her to appear smaller when compared the abuser, the male, in the relationship. 

October 20th 2017

Key Terms

  • User generated content (UGC)
  • Shareable content - having the ability to share content
  • Pro-sumer
  • Participatory culture
  • Collective intelligence
What is UGC?

Content made by non-professionals (social media posts, blogs, pinterest etc.)

By sharing and talking about a specific product, you become apart of the marketing and are helping to sell the product via word of mouth.


We are no longer 'simply' consumers - we produce our own content.

Since the 1980s the term 'prosumer' has been used to describe the blurring of the lines between producer and consumers.

But the dawn of Web 2.0 (early 2000s) makes this more of a reality for everyone.

UGC is more popular than traditional media

Collective Intelligence

This is a concept (used by media theorist Henry Jenkins) that proposes that - ‘Nobody know everything. We all know something. Therefore together we can know everything (or nearly everything…)’

This is a part of ‘participatory culture’ - today we ‘take part’ with the media, rather than just passively consume it.

Thursday 19 October 2017

October 19th 2017

Modes of Address

Direct address - Speaking to the viewer directly, using 'you' or 'your' (but not always), reinforces preferred reading

Indirect - More 'objective' speech

Authoritative - it knows more than you, they know better than you

Familiar - not a voice authority, more chatty, friendly mode of address

Slogans for the 4 different modes of Address on a Energy Drink

Direct - it's the drink you need

Indirect - it is the drink for men that matter

Authoritative - you will enjoy this drink

Familiar - you would want to have this drink :)

Wednesday 18 October 2017

Media Essay Autumn Term 1

How media language is used in the construction of gender in two print advertisements for fragrances
By Nicholas Baptiste

Everybody in Mostly Economic Developed Countries has come across media languages (a way of media text being portrayed to the audience) according to people's gender. So many people get confused with the terms of gender and sex; that they both mean the same thing.  A person’s sex is their biological form and a person’s gender is their social roles that are based on that person’s sex. It is because of society that people have to come across sex separation like patriarchy (the male sex being superior to females) and objectification. An example of this is the male gaze which is men objectifying women, they are the look-outs and women are the look-at. To portray this aspect, I will be focussing on two fragrances that are both presented by the same company; Hugo Boss. The titles of the adverts are “BOSS THE SCENT for Her” and “BOSS the scent for Him”.

The first advert focuses on the fragrance for women to attract men which are the opposite sex. The advert has a close-up shot of the fragrance for women to show the audience their product early. After that shot, there is a mid-shot of the woman looking depressed because she is lonely and she needs someone to be by her side. Furthermore, there is a long shot of a city to fast forward the time of day to night. Then a mid-shot of her using the fragrance while looking outside to the city that she is in. The next shot shows her being approached by a man after she has used the fragrance. This instantly connotes that the fragrance attracts the male sex to the female sex. Further mid-shots are used after that shot to show to the audience the two sexes actions. In the final shots of the advert, the advert shows close up shots of the two sexes showing off their sexual actions. In the final shot of the advert, there is a zoom out shot of the fragrance being displayed with the caption “The scent”. This implies that “the scent” of the fragrance is a sex appeal for women to get men to not be lonely and have sex with. The music that was playing in the advert is a romantic music named “High for This” by The Weekend. This advert is blatantly a stereotype for both men and women because it shows the man walking to the woman and according to his social role, this is what he must do; he needs to look for women and objectify her.

On the other hand, the second advert focus on the fragrance for men to attract women. This advert also starts with the close-up shot of the fragrance made for men to clearly portray the product. Then there is a mid-shot of the man looking sad while he is sitting down on a chair. After that, it shows the same city as the woman fast forwarding time to when the city is dark. The shot after is the close-up shot of the man applying the fragrance on his neck then there is a close-up shot of the man’s face. The two next shots are important. The next shot is a mid-shot of the women sitting on the bed waiting for the man to objectify her. Next shot is another mid-shot however it is the man walking to the woman and as he is walking, he is also sexually looking at her. This is clearly a demonstration of the male gaze because the male was looking at the women because it is his role in society to do so. The following shots are the same close-up shots of the man and women showing their sexual appeal to one another with the same zoom out shot at the end of the advert with the same caption “The scent” but it shows the male fragrance instead of the female. The same romantic music is played from the female advert to the male advert. I think Hugo Boss has deliberately used the same music with the same endings as well as both adverts being practically the same because it wants to establish men and women’s equality if they used the fragrance from Hugo Boss. Whichever fragrance the audience uses, they will automatically get the opposite sex that they have always hoped for. This advert, as well as the first advert, is obviously objectifying women because of the male’s demeaning look to the woman as he walks to her.

I have learnt from the two advert is that patriarchy is still present today. Gender stereotypes are just slyly embedded into the adverts so that they are less punishing and it will hypnotise the audience into buying their product because of the message that the adverts produce. This advertisement will disappear in the future because the ASA (Advertising Standards Authority) is going to ban all forms of gender stereotypes in 2018 so men wouldn’t be seen as more superior than men, for example, men doing DIY on the other hand, women are cleaning around the house.

Tuesday 17 October 2017

Evaluation of Cross Platform Advertising

Potential problems
Viral advertising

It is very beneficial for marketing campaign

It gives credibility to them

It can be on various forms of media

It will make the audience remember the advert 
 Users will find it annoying that they will want to use a form of media however they are always getting persuaded by an advert that they do not want to watch or see. Adverts such as Evion and Dumb Ways to Die has got their popularity because of their adverts because strange as well as being addictive because of its its of repetition.
Native advertising

 It grabs attention to people and they dont even notice that they are looking at a advert.The adverts might be biased so they will only focus on one bit of information however they will never focus on other. There are a lot of examples of native advertising for example "Top 10 tips to become fit". The page is most likely being sponsored however websites do not portray this.
Targeted advertising

 It records people's history so that they know their interests and the company will advertise their interests. It invades people's privacy and users will find it a problem because they will insecure of what they access on the internet.  It depends on the user using the internet. Cookies will find a pattern of the user's interests and it will show adverts that will relate to the advert.
Shoppables and Influencers

 It is beneficial for businesses to advertise their product and for the user to instantly purchase their product through social media. It might be annoying for the user because they might have accidentally clicked on a product and it is like the user is being forced to see a product that they don't want to see. It depends on what the user does on social media. For example, Selena Gomez on Instagram. Since she is the most followed person on the app, she has the privilege on using sponsored clothes by companies and the user can instantly purchase the clothes that she is wearing from the post of Gomez.

Monday 9 October 2017

Persil Advert Analysis

Ideology - A system of beliefs that are held in high regard and followed by many or a group of people. Eg Communism, Capitalism (Profit, Maintaining), Feminism, Nationalism

Dominant ideologies - Those beliefs and values with are shared by the majority within a society or culture. Eg Consumerism, Gender roles of Families (Nurture, Men as breadwinners)

Religions are ideologies - because they give us a complete framework for understanding the world.

Dominant ideology - multi-culturalism?

How do dominant ideologies become dominant?

  • From the media
  • Politicians, authority
  • Parents
  • Peer groups - schools/education
Dominant ideologies change and evolve!

Hegemony - process of 'consent'

Hegemony works through repetition and media saturation

Ideology of Hegemony

Stuart Hail - Ideology/hegemony. These dominant ideologies have become our own. Sometimes we reject/dispute. We have different 'readings' of media messages.

Most people take a preferred reading or media. Eg Watch iPhone ad,they want it.

Some people negociate - understand message but add own interpretation

Others oppose meaning (rare position)

Monday 2 October 2017

Old spice

Media AS / A2
Textual Analysis Table- Moving Image

Denotation / what can be seen
Connotation / what is the meaning?
Camera- angle, size and movement
There is a shot-reverse-shot between Terry Cruise and his hair follicle which is also Terry Cruise.

A long shot was used on the hair follicle of Terry Cruise to portray that he is inferior than the person of Terry Cruise 

A mid-shot was used on the person of Terry Cruise to show his actions to the audience that he is going to shave off his beard however a single hair follicle is preventing him from doing so.

The camera stays still throughout the advert to mainly focus on the comedy of Terry Cruise

This perfectly portrays Terry Cruise's humor. Every moment when he is on the screen, the audience automatically laughs because he is associated to laughter. Even at times when he is serious, the audience just simply can't take him seriously because of his past events however because of his comedy, it persuades people to go to retailers and buy the razor as well as their catalogue of products.
Editing including any SFX
The sound of the razor is edited into the advert to exaggerate the sound and to portray that Terry Cruise has successfully shaved off his beard.

This is used to convey to the audience that razor is reliable and it gets the job done which is clearly illustrated by Terry Cruise. It shows that it is not cheap and it will beat the rest of its competition.
Sound- diegetic, non-diegetic, narration etc.
There was dialogue and the Old Spice jingle used in the advert.

The dialogue between the two personas of Terry Cruise is related to the product because the main product is a razor and he successfully uses it by shaving off his beard. 

The Old Spice jingle is used at the end of the advert so that it can be remembered by the audience. 

Furthermore, it persuades the audience to buy their product because of the jingle and this evidently works. In every Old Spice advert the jingle is always played so this is repeated soo many times for the audience to consume their products.
Mise-en-scene: location, costume, props, lighting
The two personas of Terry Cruise are in the bathroom. They are both wearing boxers only to show off their abs to the audience. The only prop that was used in the advert is the Old Spice razor. There was good lighting used in the advert as lights behind the camera is used.

Terry Cruise always shows off his abs to hypnotise the audience into them thinking that owning their product will instantly get them a six-pack like Terry Cruise which proves to be effective.