Friday 20 October 2017

Be Food Smart- Change4Life and This is Abuse Advert Analysis

Be Food Smart - Change4Life Advert Analysis

The government can change the eating habits and lifestyle of others because they can advertise on being healthy for example consuming less sugars or eating more fruits and vegetables (1 of your 5 a day). The techniques they have used are persuasive for example they have clearly demonstrated that how much sugar people consume everyday and how it can give us type 2 diabetes and cancer which traumatises the audience. On Change4Life's website, it addresses parents for their children to eat healthily. It is very direct and authoritative to parents which encourages them to make the right choice for their child/ren which makes them live longer.

This is Abuse -

The audience is teenagers, but to be more specific the audience is teens who are going through similar tales of abuse. The purpose of the advertisement is to try and help teens who are in the same position realise that they are either going through or have gone through abuse and how to get out of that situation. The techniques used are; Direct Address is used to try and make the viewer question themselves and re-evaluate the situation there in. Another technique used is camera angles, when they are focused on the abuser they are low which causes him to appear bigger and stronger. However whenever the female is focused on, the camera is higher, causing her to appear smaller when compared the abuser, the male, in the relationship. 

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