Friday 20 October 2017

October 20th 2017

Key Terms

  • User generated content (UGC)
  • Shareable content - having the ability to share content
  • Pro-sumer
  • Participatory culture
  • Collective intelligence
What is UGC?

Content made by non-professionals (social media posts, blogs, pinterest etc.)

By sharing and talking about a specific product, you become apart of the marketing and are helping to sell the product via word of mouth.


We are no longer 'simply' consumers - we produce our own content.

Since the 1980s the term 'prosumer' has been used to describe the blurring of the lines between producer and consumers.

But the dawn of Web 2.0 (early 2000s) makes this more of a reality for everyone.

UGC is more popular than traditional media

Collective Intelligence

This is a concept (used by media theorist Henry Jenkins) that proposes that - ‘Nobody know everything. We all know something. Therefore together we can know everything (or nearly everything…)’

This is a part of ‘participatory culture’ - today we ‘take part’ with the media, rather than just passively consume it.

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