Friday 3 November 2017

November 3rd 2017

Task on Thursday 2nd

Ways to make money.Pros Cons 
Charge a paywallAllows me to constantly make more money, and provides a new way to keep up with technology. This would also allow me to have more regular newspaper sales as I could offer a bundle with both the ability to view news digitally as well as on a newspaper.People may not want to pay. This could cause people to try and find other ways to get past the paywall. This could also give my newspaper a negative reputation which could further reduce sales.
Increase the price you have to pay to have your advertisement shown. I would also make them pay by the number of viewers and increase this as the amount continued to grow.Would allow me to make a lot of money as I would constantly be making money rather than only making a small amount once, like if I had offered a one time fee. Could be seen as too expensive, which would drive away sales. Could be used to 
Increase cost of paperWould allow me to increase the profits I would make daily, this is guaranteed as long-time readers are not very likely to stop after a small increase.The public would be hesitant and will not buy the paper, especially if they can get one at a cheaper price or free.
Sack JournalistsThis will mean a higher profit for the company and the money can be used to invest in other ways to share the newsSacking journalists means that there will be fewer resources for the company to publish so that will mean less income
Put more 'sponsored content' online in your paper

Key Words:

Conglomerate - a number of different things, parts or items that are grouped together; collection. Large media companies are normally conglomerates.

Oligopoly - a state of limited competition, in which a market is shared by a small number of producers or sellers.

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