Monday 9 October 2017

Ideology - A system of beliefs that are held in high regard and followed by many or a group of people. Eg Communism, Capitalism (Profit, Maintaining), Feminism, Nationalism

Dominant ideologies - Those beliefs and values with are shared by the majority within a society or culture. Eg Consumerism, Gender roles of Families (Nurture, Men as breadwinners)

Religions are ideologies - because they give us a complete framework for understanding the world.

Dominant ideology - multi-culturalism?

How do dominant ideologies become dominant?

  • From the media
  • Politicians, authority
  • Parents
  • Peer groups - schools/education
Dominant ideologies change and evolve!

Hegemony - process of 'consent'

Hegemony works through repetition and media saturation

Ideology of Hegemony

Stuart Hail - Ideology/hegemony. These dominant ideologies have become our own. Sometimes we reject/dispute. We have different 'readings' of media messages.

Most people take a preferred reading or media. Eg Watch iPhone ad,they want it.

Some people negociate - understand message but add own interpretation

Others oppose meaning (rare position)

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