Monday 30 October 2017

Phenomenal women

Media AS / A2
Textual Analysis Table- Moving Image

Denotation / what can be seen
Connotation / what is the meaning?
Camera- angle, size and movement
There are so many jump shots to portray the different activities

There are matched shots of happy smiles, on the women giving birth etc.

Depth on field is used for the camera to purposely portray the women in depth.

Birds eye view is used at the end of the advert. On the floor it says "This Girl Can"

It shoes the different activities/sports women can do compared to men. They also show that women are more superior than men 
Editing including any SFX


 Slow motion is used quite a few times

This also shoes that women are superior than men in some circumstances
Sound- diegetic, non-diegetic, narration etc.
 Inspirational Music

 Poem said by a woman

 Change in volume when the advert becomes more intense

 That women are phenomenal and they can do anything if they put the work behind it. To influence women who keep on thinking that they can' do certain activities (doubts)
Mise-en-scene: location, costume, props, lighting
 Every women is wearing the appropriate gear for the sport that they are doing. The props and location depends on the sport that they are doing

This demonstrates that women can do anything that they want to do if they put their mind towards the activity or the sport.

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