Monday 26 November 2018

Analysing the Big Issue

Go to Moodle and click on the folder titled: Big Issue education front cover
Class Action/Intertextuality

  • When one media product ("text") is only understood in relation to another media product ("text")
Intertextuality on "Class Action" cover:
  • Harry Potter: Harry, Ron, Hermione
  • Handmaid's Tale: Offred
  • Benedict Cumberbatch: Hollywood actor
  • Ozzy Osbourne: Rock Star
  • Miss Jean Brodie: Schoolmistress

Tuesday 20 November 2018

The Big Issue - Theories around representation

Barthes and semiotics

  • Denotation
  • Connotation
  • Anchorage
  • What this tells us about who/what is represented
Hall and ideology
  • Hall believes that the media reflects dominant ideologies, and the majority of mass media artefacts reinforce generally agreed messages around gender, culture / ethnicity, consumerism, the family, social class and so on. Some artefacts are polysemic (more than two meanings), but most have a limited number of readings, favouring a preferred audience reading.
  • Some audiences take a negotiated position.
  • A small minority might make an oppositional reading.
Prince William Front Cover

  • Dominant: "Prince Charming", Archetype, Privilege - royal
  • Oppositional: Republican - Anti-monarchy, What does the prince know about homelessness
Bake Off Front Cover

  • Intertextuality - to Trump
  • Dominant: Britishness - a "mythical" version, safe, homely
  • Oppositional: all white, not diverse
Gauntlett - a post modern approach
  • Identity is complicated
  • Building your own identity. No fixed representations
  • Post-modern/ mix and match approach
  • Might link to intertextuality: explicit reference to other media products, where the meaning is only apparent in reference to this other text (inter-text).
Van zoonen and Hooks: feminist theories
  • Van Zoonen: Women’s bodies as objects
  • Men’s bodies as spectacle
  • Gender performativity: what we do rather than what we are
  • Gender is contextual
  • Bell Hooks: intersectionality. (Black female) audience to develop an “oppositional gaze.” This refuses to identify with characters
Madonna Front Cover

  • Portfolio - objectified, sexual
  • Contrasts with Big Issue where "uncovered" does not link to her sexuality and she is visibly older.
Gilroy and post-colonialism
  • Diaspora* has constructed a transatlantic culture
  • “Other”ness: most non-white representations emphasise otherness (from white, middle-class, male dominant representations), rather than any inherent characteristics
  • (* originates from the movement of Jewish people from middle east Europe, later USA. Refers now to movement of immigrants to the west.)

Tuesday 6 November 2018

The Big Issue Notes


  • In 1991, John Bird and Gordon Roddick (founder of the Body Shop cruelty-free toiletries) founded the Big Issue.
  • Made "A Publishing Revolution".
  • Social Enterprise - a business that makes profit, but has social benefits
  • Sold over 200 million copies in the UK since 1991.
  • Expended their business portfolio and expanded their brand to the big issue shop which sells products with a social agenda
  • The big issue invest is also another brand extension which invests in other social enterprise
  • They buy products and doubles the amount
"Ethical Capitalism" - John Bird - making profit, but morally right

"A hand up, not a hand out" - John Bird

"Social exclusion" - refers to those outside of society. Mentally ill, homeless, offenders, addicts

UGC - User Generated Content

The Big Issue