Friday 29 September 2017

Task 3 - Changing platforms.advertising and audiences

2 sentence synopsis of the article

Because of the internet, it has lead people to busy lives and makes us have a furious hatred of us not liking unwanted adverts. We do not know what we should do about it and maybe native advertising is the only option.

What are the main challenges faced by the advertising industry?

Advertising is everywhere. Everybody who uses media will have to experience some kind of advertising. This is how companies or businesses earn their money and the people who uses media can't do anything about it. If we want to watch a television programme, we have to watch adverts. If we want to use social media, we will interact with adverts. Even if we are not using the internet, we will still see adverts on busses, bus stops, posters, cars and the list goes on and people don't want to see adverts. If they are watching their TV programme, social media or walking to go somewhere, we don't want to see adverts but we have no choice but to see them.

What is Native advertising, Branded content and Targeted advertising?

Native advertising is a type of advertising that match the form and function of the platform upon which it appears. Branded content is a form of advertising that uses the generating of content as a way to promote the particular brand which funds the content's production. Targeted advertising is a form of advertising where online advertisers can use sophisticated methods to target the most receptive audiences with certain traits, based on the product or person the advertiser is promoting.

How effective are the native adverts we watched?

Native advertising is very effective because the majority of the population of people on Earth uses media and we are so oblivious that we watch or read Native advertising everyday. For example on certain newspaper articles on the internet, the information that is shown is provided by a company which makes the newspaper article biased and will try to make people consume their products.

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