Monday 12 March 2018

Test Plan

How do audiences interact and get actively involved with video games? What is the role of specialised audiences, including fans, to gaming? Refer to Minecraft to support your answer

Henry Jenkins created a few terms to explain how audiences interact with video games. Firstly, he has created the term “Media Convergence”, which means the flow of content across multiple media platforms, the cooperation between multiple media industries, and the migratory behaviour of media audiences who will go almost anywhere in search of the kinds of entertainment experiences they want. This leads to Textual Poaching which means the fans “poach” textual meanings and reread them in a fashion that serves different interests. An example of this is DanTDM; he "poaches" content from Minecraft and he makes it into his own content so that his fans stay interested and he uploads it to the platform of Youtube. He is an example of the term Fandom, which refers to the social structures and cultural practices created by the most passionately engaged consumers of mass media properties.

In effects theory, the media are powerful, negative forces who control the masses. The media is seen as a hypodermic needle, injecting out helpless minds with messages which we take on board fully. This originated from a new notorious study carried out by bandura in 1961. Bandura's study used a toy called a "bobo doll", and it measured behaviours of children who watched a model beating up the doll. The model was either rewarded or punished, and Bandura noted that children would replicate the violent behaviour when it was rewarded.

Cohen in 1972 published a book "Folk Devils and Moral Panics". Moral panics happen when members of a society and culture become outraged, fearful and upset by the challenges and menaces posed to 'their' accepted values and was of life, by the activities of groups defines as deviant. These could be violent extremists, teenagers or an organisation/idea such as the internet, violent games or social media.

Explain the impact of evolving technology on film production, distribution, and exhibition. Refer to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs and Black Panther.

Technology has massively impacted the production, distribution and exhibition of Black Panther compared to Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.

As Disney, the distributor of  Black Panther, is a conglomerate that owns soo many subsidiaries to give them profit, the film got a whopping 200 million dollers to produce the film. This means that the director, Ryan Coogler, has enough money to pay the actor’s salaries, production staff salaries, set construction, special effects, wardrobe, craft services, marketing and buying the rights to the script. On the other hand, Disney wasn't a conglomerate back then and Walt Disney only has 1.4 million dollars to produce the film which is incredibly less than Black Panther.

Marvel Studios has a wide range of platforms using technology to promote their film. They have made 3 trailers and have released them on YouTube as well as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and they have created an advertisement on Snapchat. The official trailer has had 18 million views, 7.2 million views on Facebook and 103 posts and 203 thousand followers on Instagram. The trailers have also been shown on big television companies (ITV for example) in the UK. Whereas, for Snow White, technology wasn't advanced as it is today so they are restricted to make promotional posters and advertise them outside cinemas and on billboards so that the audience can walk past it and spread it through word of mouth.

Marvel has managed to get a partnership with the car manufacturer Lexus. Both brands can promote each other to increase their sales and their profit. Lexus has used the characters from the Black Panther film to advertise the performance and the luxury of the car. In addition, the film takes this opportunity to show off its characters as well as what the audience can expect from it like action and adventure. Nevertheless, cars didn't have any technological advantages in the 1930s, therefore, in cinemas, Snow White merchandise is being sold. This includes masks, mugs, shirts, caps, bags, dolls etcetera. This is the only source of income for the film but Black Panther gets incredibly more because they have a share of the sales of every Lexus car as well as selling Black Panther merchandise.

It's because of technology that Black Panther has done well in terms of its production, distribution and exhibition, however, technology was only starting to develop in the 1930s, therefore, Snow White has lost a lot of profit. 

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