Sunday 28 January 2018

The Film Industry: Hollywood

Hollywood is a metonym

  • Metonym - a word, name and expression used as a substitute for something else with which it is closely associated. For example, Washington is a metonym for the US government
Hollywood is a place in Southern California, where many of the major film studios set up around 100 years ago.

How did Hollywood become powerful?
  • Film was invented in France, but Hollywood studios started to become all powerful by 1920s
  • The studios built up their power by following what is called a 'Fordist' economic model and establishing a system of vertical integration.
  • Named after Henry Ford
  • A very efficient way of producing goods (like cars) based on:
  1. Standardising the product
  2. Assembly line production
Verical Integration
  • This refers to companies controlling all the means of production, distribution and consumption
The Big 5 Studios
  • These studios, known as the Big 5, were all vertically integrated. 
  • They owned:
  1. Production (equipment and talent under contract)
  2. Distribution 
  3. Consumption
Antitrust Laws
  • In the late 1940s, the US government brought an end to the vertical integration system and forced the studios to sell of their cinemas.

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