Sunday 14 October 2018

Task 1a: Case Studies

Both of these magazines will be used as my inspiration to help produce my magazine. For the cover page, the masthead needs to be clear and bold and it can be placed anywhere on the page however it is convenient to place it at the top of the page and aligned to the centre. It is a must for my models to have a direct address towards to audience as it will grab their attention. Both of the magazines have a two colour scheme on their front covers however i'll be using 3 colours instead because using two colours is very limited which will make the text colours repetitive and dull. Furthermore, for the contents page, I'll need to add columns to write my contents list on a white background for the magazine to gain that sophisticated look. The issue month needs to be visible with headings to categorise articles (for example fashion) and unlike the example above, I'll include two pictures on each content page so that there is more to look at for the audience. The colour for the headings are determined by the primary colours that was used for the content page. Different colored fonts are used for the different issues. 

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