Thursday 7 December 2017

December 7th 2017

Curated Content

  • It's fair to say that there is too much happening in the world for us to keep up with us. We can only realistically process a small amount of news. But who should decide
  • Supply-led content: 'Gatekeepers' gives us the news that they think is important. In news this would be editors and journalists. An analogy would be radio DJs playing the songs they want you to listen to.
  • Demand-led content: no 'gatekeepers', we decide what's important. We follow the people that interests us and ignore the rest. An analogy would be creating our own Spotify playlist.
Clay Shirky
  • Cognitive Surplus focuses on describing the free time that individuals have to engage with collaborate activities within new media. Shirky's text searches to prove that global transformation can come from individuals committing their time to active engagement with technology.
  • Launched in 2006, Twitter is a web 2.0 social media site with over 300 million active users(15 million in the UK)
Why Journalists use Twitter?
  • Source of tips
  • Marketing and distribution platform
  • Vox pops
  • So social media can assist in the production, marketing and exchange of news.
Journalists that use Twitter
  • Daily Mail - James Chapman, Guy Adams, Sarah Vine
  • Guardian - Sid Lowe, Owen Jones, Daniel Taylor

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