Isaiah Mustafa Campaign
- Self-referential advert- knowing that it's silly, referencing other men's toiletry advert
- Relatively cheap to the mass market
- Parody/mickey-taking of other adverts.
- Intertextual
- Post-modern:
- Mix and match - time and space
- Breaking genre
- Reality/Fantasy
- "Become yourself"/"The mark of a man"
Bathes: Denotation/Connotation (Semiotics theory)
- Physical form - what we see or hear (Red rose)
- Meaning - which relates to society's ideology/cultural context (Romance)
- Myth - when symbols/signs come to represent whole sets of ideas in a society
Old Spice and gender representation
- Butler's gender performativity: Gender is created in how we perform our gender roles - there is no essential gender identity behind these roles, it is created in the performance. Performativity is not a singular act but a repetition and a ritual that becomes naturalised within the body.
- Any feminism concerned only with masculinity and femininity excludes other forms of gender and sexuality. This creates 'gender trouble' for those that do not fix the heterosexual norms.